New versions of Caption Pro and ImageSplit are available. Caption Pro has been extended to handle TIFF and PNG file as well as JPEG files. ImageSplit has been modified to run in Standalone mode more reliably and to allow saves from splits created from non-JPEG files.
Category: Uncategorized
Caption Pro (Windows) 3.1.118 Released
Caption Pro 3.1.118 can be downloaded from here. This version fixes a bug in caption counting.
ImageSplit (Windows) 1.0.11 Released
This version of ImageSplit fixes a bug with floodfill photo detection. Download it from here.
ImageSplit (Windows) 1.0.10 released
ImageSplit can now be run as a standalone application rather than only being accessible from Caption Pro. It allows multiple photo images to be split. Download from here.
Caption Pro (Windows) 3.1.117 Released
Caption Pro 3.1.117 can be downloaded from here. This version fixes an ImageSplit error when using the floodfill detection algorithm in some environments.
Caption Pro (Windows) 3.1.116 released
Caption Pro 3.1.116 for Windows is now available for download. Bugs in the storage of ImageSplit settings have been fixed and an option to pad input images has been added.
Caption Pro (Windows) 3.1.115 released
Caption Pro 3.1.115 for Windows is now available for download. ImageSplit has been modified to provide a choice of automatic detection algorithms. The original flood-fill algorithm may not work with later versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Caption Pro (Windows) 3.1.114 released
The latest version of Caption Pro (Windows) is now available from here. This version includes the capability to save one or more images as a PDF file.
Caption Pro 3.1.113 Released
A new version of Caption Pro is available here. This version improves handling of Demo licenses, logs origin of download and allows setting of Windows tags.
Caption Pro for Mac 3.1.4 Released
Caption Pro for Mac 3.1.4 is now available for download from here. This version has a scanner interface with functionality to split scans of multiple photos into individual digital image, batch processing of multiple images and metadata viewing. Image splitting functionality requires MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or newer.