SetTags v 3.1.93 is now available for download. This version fixes bugs in the cumulative definition of input data of different types via drag/drop and adds an option to check for updates.
SetTags v 3.1.93 is now available for download. This version fixes bugs in the cumulative definition of input data of different types via drag/drop and adds an option to check for updates.
SetTags 3.1.92 has support for tagging multiple folders as well as files, cumulative definition of input data via drag-and-drop and hints providing quick information on how to view tagged items, apply and edit tags.
SetTags v 3.1.84 includes the ability to add tags to Outlook Contacts via the new version of Outlook Tag Add-In ( Other improvements have made to Workgroup operation.
This release fixes some licensing bugs in the Workgroup version for multiple users.
A new SetTags version is available with the ability to tag URLs as well as folders and files, and Outlook email messages (via OutlookTag Add-in). The ability to tag URLs, and for a number of users to access a common database makes it particularly useful for organisations without a Local Area Network working with data stored only in Cloud repositories.
New releases of SetTags and Caption Pro now include links to this website for license purchase. Caption Pro has been modified to improve handling of multiple large files and support file generation – users can now specify the location of the support file. Thanks to all the users who reported these problems.
SetTags v3.0.77 is now available with the following new features: