Thanks to all purchasers of Aleka Consulting product licenses over the past 4 months, who have contributed a substantial amount to the Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund.
Caption Pro 2.3.99 Released
Caption Pro v 2.3.99 is now available for download from here. Release Notes are available here. This version has the following improvements:
- Fix for bug causing Asian languages to appear when non-Asian language caption or sub-caption added
- Fix for bug truncating sub-caption in EXIF Only mode after clearing data
- Added capability to set Modified and optionally Date Taken metadata fields to values selected from available metadata Date fields.
Caption Pro Web Updated
The free Web version of Caption Pro has been updated to improve efficiency and fix the problem of multiple caption applications or changes not being successful.
Caption Pro 2.3.98 Released
Caption Pro v 2.3.98 is now available for download from here. Release Notes are available here. This version has the following improvements:
- Unicode language captions now correctly displayed in EXIF Only mode
- Image file thumbnail in Explorer updated if file overwritten
- Windows Title & Subject (Caption and Sub-Caption text) length limited to 1023 chars
- Option to read caption data from Windows Title metadata added
Caption Pro 2.3.96 Released
Caption Pro v 2.3.96 is now available for download from here. This version include an option to create captions from speech. Internet access is required for speech input. It only runs on 64-bit Windows systems and the speech input does not work on Win 7.
Caption Pro 2.2.95 Released
Caption Pro 2.2.94 Released
Caption Pro version 2.2.94 is now available for download. This version allows smaller sub-captions and the EXIF only File Metadata option writes Caption and Sub-Caption to Windows Title and Subject fields, allowing retrieval using search in File Explorer with syntax Title:SearchString or Subject:Searchstring.
SetTags 3.1.93 Released
SetTags v 3.1.93 is now available for download. This version fixes bugs in the cumulative definition of input data of different types via drag/drop and adds an option to check for updates.
SetTags v 3.1.92 Released
SetTags 3.1.92 has support for tagging multiple folders as well as files, cumulative definition of input data via drag-and-drop and hints providing quick information on how to view tagged items, apply and edit tags.
Thanks to License Purchasers
Thanks to all the people who have purchased licenses since the end of January – bushfire relief organisations have received over A$160 from these purchases.