A new version of Caption Pro is available here incorporating the new version of ImageSplit, for which a new standalone version is available here and adding an option to deal with single-byte caption or sub-caption text. ImageSplit has improved manual split addition functionality, an updated manual and bug fixes for problems occurring after deleting a split and changing the position or boundaries of other splits.
New versions of Caption Pro for Mac and CaptionEdit available
A new version of Caption Pro for Mac (3.1.29) is now available from the App Store, and the latest version of CaptionEdit (2.3.1) for iPhones and iPads is also available.
ImageSplit 1.0.20 Released
A new version of ImageSplit (1.0.20) is now available from here. This release fixes a bug causing a crash when the Settings screen is closed in an environment with a non-English region setting
iPad/iPhone captioning app CaptionEdit and ImageSplit 1.0.19 released
Captioning is now available on the iPhone and iPad platforms using the CaptionEdit app, which is now available from the Apple App Store. A new version of ImageSplit(1.0.19) with improved logging is also available from here.
Caption Pro 3.1.125 released
Caption Pro 3.1.125 is now available for download from here. This version fixes bugs that prevented operation of auto-captioning of location data and sub-caption text overwriting caption text.
Caption Pro 3.1.124 and ImageSplit 1.0.18 released
A new version of Caption Pro is available here and a new standalone version of ImageSplit is available here. Caption Pro now handles HEIC images from Apple iPhones and has improved handling of non-JPEG files. ImageSplit now uses a white background outside the scanned or loaded file area for rectangle detection. This improves automatic detection where photos are close to edges. Hotkayes have been added for the Scan and Save Split functions.
Note that ImageSplit can be accessed from Caption Pro using the Caption Pro license and is installed as part of Caption Pro. An ImageSplit license is only required for standalone ImageSplit operation. For details of changes see release notes for Caption Pro here and for ImageSplit here.
Caption Pro 3.1.122, ImageSplit 1.0.16 released
The latest release of Caption Pro fixes the problem of ImageSplit requesting a license when run from Caption Pro. Download from here.
Caption Pro 3.1.121 and ImageSplit1.0.15 released
Caption Pro 3.1.121 can now be downloaded from here. This version includes support for accessing keywords added by Adobe Lightroom as an auto-caption source, and access to the latest version of ImageSplit (1.0.15), which includes colourisation capability as shown below. The standalone version can be downloaded from here.

Caption Pro 3.1.120 and ImageSplit 1.0.14 released
ImageSplit 1.0.13 released
ImageSplit 1.0.13 can be downloaded from here. This version has a bug preventing logging fixed and a greater range of scanner resolutions available.