
Caption Pro 2.1.85 Released

This new version of Caption Pro lets you load files by drag and drop, and paste individual images into the program. It also lets you sort loaded files by file name, Modified date and Date Taken (usually but not always the same) and re-order collections of images manually so that you can group your photos in any way and integrate photos from different digital devices.

1) If you check Start Program on the last screen of the installer, Caption Pro will be run from an Administrator account and you will not be able to drag and drop files onto it. If you run it after installation from the desktop icon or the Aleka Consulting->Caption Pro program entry, drag and drop will work OK.

2) Caption Pro 2.1.85 does not run correctly on Windows 7. This problem is under investigation.

Tagging in Minimal-Infrastructure Environments

Once upon a time, organizations needed a physical presence that people could visit in order to engage with it. With the rise of virtual interactions, the need for a physical presence has diminished, and web sites, which are far cheaper than offices, have become the means of engagement with clients. This change has benefited small organizations greatly but has made the task of collaboration between organization staff more difficult. It’s not possible to walk over to someone’s office or cubicle to discuss something, or to look through a ring-binder for an important document. Tagging documents and emails can help but with virtual infrastructure it can be complicated.

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New SetTags Version 3.1.82

A new SetTags version is available with the ability to tag URLs as well as folders and files, and Outlook email messages (via OutlookTag Add-in). The ability to tag URLs, and for a number of users to access a common database makes it particularly useful for organisations without a Local Area Network working with data stored only in Cloud repositories.

Duplication and Near-Duplication

Duplication of files used to be a subject of direct concern when electronic documents were stored on file shares and storage costs per gigabyte were significant. Now that storage costs have plummeted (for both domestic and organisational users) the actual cost of of storage media is seldom of concern. If storage media are full it is usually cheaper to buy a bigger one than to pay for the time and effort required to clean up existing storage. When backups took significant time to run, the fact that backups could not be completed within the available time window due to to storage bloat sometimes prompted a cleanup.

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