Version 1.0.0 1st Release 05/06/2017 2.0.50 Added support for auto-captioning from metadata created by Windows Photo Gallery 2.1.51 Fixed bug where sub-caption written on top of caption if sub-caption length is less than one line 2.1.52 Fixed bug where IPTC or XMP metadata not used for captioning if only single file processed and added extraction of tag data for captions from files processed with Picasa 2.1.53 Added watermark (label on bottom rh of caption) control from license code as well as registry setting 2.1.54 Fixed bug with truncated multi-line caption of particular length when running via Send To -> Caption Pro 2.1.55 Fixed bug where size of caption did not increase with increasing % of image used, added extra % options for Caption and Sub-caption, adding error message where Caption added due to file still being open. 2.1.56 Change to license parsing to allow flag for adding product name to caption bar. 2.1.57 Added functionality to read metadata from Google Photos takeouts, updated Help 2.1.58 Altered font sizing code to prevent truncation of captions for some sizes, added option to place logo at LHS of caption bar, added help documentation for autocaptioning from Google Photos. 2.1.59 Altered font sizing code for multi-line captions to avoid truncation of short, single line sub-captions for some size settings. Added optional display of logo image. 2.1.60 Added selection of All metadata or Exif only for captioned image in Options. If error occurs in copying All metadata, only EXIF metadata copied 2.1.61 Added option to extract person name metadata added by Windows Photos app 2.1.62 Added license date decoding in en-GB culture to avoid bad license date issues with non-English cultures 2.1.63 Added option to get captions from Windows Title, Date Taken metadata, fixed various issues with command line operation which appear on Caption Pro Web (suppression of label with license) 2.1.64 Fixed bug preventing operation where user name contains apostrophe 2.1.65 Further fixes to deal with apostrophe in user name, and operation via right-click on JPEG file 2.1.66 Fixed crash when processing multiple files and Process File Options screen shown repeatedly, and when showing license screen after installing a new version without uninstalling earlier versions 2.1.67 Added informative message when other folder to write captioned photo into does not exist Buy License option in License screen shows license purchase screen rather than download screen Win 10 Photos autocaption option enabled for Win 10 Error log now includes file parameter where error occurs in AddMultiLineCaption before sFileAction set 2.1.70 Added option to use region of second image as sub-caption for main image, pan control of displayed images via click-drag 2.1.73 Made caption and sub-caption height persist between runs, removed EXIF thumbnail data from captioned files for EXIF only metadata copying, only EXIF data (without thumbnail data) copied if large thumbnail data (64 kbytes) present for All metadata copying 2.1.76 Fixed date format error when operating with demo license generated in US Date format. 2.1.77 Added order option to display of files in folder, removed label from images with captions cleared, added shrink parameter and colour control to image caption screen 2.1.78 Added error trapping to some routines without it and added detail to error logs. 2.1.81 Improved memory management to allow processing of large (7000 x 5000 pixel) files in batch mode without out-of-memory error, added selection of support file location, disabled editing of dropdown options in Options screen, update license purchase URL to new site 2.1.82 Fixed bug reading and setting aspect ratio in non-English Windows environments, changing window size after application of caption for Display Scale > 100% 2.1.84 Fixed bug trying to show dialog box in command line mode 2.1.85 Fixed bug in License Screen where clicking BuyLicense button redirected users to non-existent URL, Added Drag/Drop and Paste Screen, reorganised menus 2.2.86 Added captioning of video files, slideshow capability, check for new releases 2.2.87 Fixed problem with slideshow of only captioned items skipping items 2.2.88 Fixed missing restart.bat message when entering license key, added option for embedding video captions using Kapwing web application 2.2.89 Added option to change colours of font and background of multiple files 2.2.90 Added option to set caption from Picasa Title, fixed display indicating caption rather than sub-caption set from Picasa tags 2.2.91 Modified licensing to apply 2 CPU limit, fixed problem of image caption being smaller than selection added warning if selection goes outside loaded image. 2.2.92 Fixed bug causing multiline caption to be sometimes written with truncated words on 2nd line. (Installed on Web Server) 2.2.94 Fixed problem with font size set as integer rather than float resulting in crash with small text, Added 2.5% size option for multiline Write Caption, Sub-Caption and Comments (used internally) to Windows Title, Subject and Comment field when using EXIF only mode for File Metadata 2.2.95 Fixed bug in batch process mode causing failure to write Windows Title and Subject metadata Fixed bugs causing two captioning applications for 1st image in batch processing and labelling of action button when applying changed font or aspect ratio Remove Sub-caption if identical with Caption in file metadata. 2.3.96 Add option to create caption/sub-caption from speech 2.3.97 Unicode language captions now correctly displayed in EXIF Only mode Image file thumbnail in Explorer updated if file overwritten Windows Title & Subject (Caption and Sub-Caption text) length limited to 1023 chars Option to read caption data from Windows Title metadata added 2.3.98 Made display of applied captions backwards compatible for all versions of Caption Pro 2.3.99 Fixed bug causing incorrect display of Asian characters in Caption and Sub-caption boxes Restricted writing to Windows Subject and Title fields to File Metadata ALL option Extended SetModified options to copy from selection of date metadata and optionally write new date to Windows Date Taken field. 2.3.101 Fixed bug resulting in Aspect Ratio controls not being visible 3.0.102 Added ImageSplit capability to extract multiple photos from scanned images Showed CP logo on splash screen rather than SetTags Added option to move as well as copy captioned files Added option for 0% caption and sub-caption proportions Bug causing error when closing Paste/Drop screen with no files loaded fixed. 3.1.103 Added face recognition option Fixed bug in ImageSplit where Detect Photos On Load option not restored after settings Added option to close after saving in ImageSplit screen. 3.1.104 Fixed bug preventing Face Recognition operation in overwrite mode Fixed batch processing bugs resulting creation of captions from metadata when not selected, incorrect control labelling for aspect ratio change, pause icon not shown when using Face Recognition Set default batch operation mode to Set Captions from Metadata 3.1.105 Changed licensing to permanent for downloaded version 3.1.106 Changed Support screen to show location of Support Zip file, fixed bug with MailData Added split rotation sensitivity control to ImageSplit Settings screen, button to open save folder Fixed bug causing inversion of split when rotating Rotate dot now always round after rotation Fixed problem of detected boundaries being shown in incorrect locations after minimising and restoring window Added InnerException content for errors occurring in FloodFill routine Added dlls for Win 8.1 compatibility 3.1.107 Added dlls to ensure ImageSplit photo detection in Win 8.1 Added files to enable ImageSplit action logging 3.1.108 Added Face Recognition Premium option 3.1.109 Fixed bug of incorrect Face Recognition Premium labelling where multiple matches occur or where numbers appear in reference face label Added Caption Prefix and Frame Expansion options 3.1.110 Changed check for CPU count to use only 1st 6 chars of MAC address Changed license log to add version number and date in UK format Added discount license purchase screen Accessed ImageSplit help file from Scanner and Resolution setting screen and changed help file to describe how to set any available scanner resolution 3.1.111 Added print option, fixed bug preventing storage of version number in license install file, added storage of license details 3.1.112 Fixed bugs relating to dropped files, fixed ImageSplit bug giving low-resolution splits when inputting from file (ImageSplit v 1.0.7) 3.1.113 Added screen to log download source, improved handling of Demo license, added option to create Windows tags from sub-caption Changed ImageSplit(1.0.8) to make saved files taggable by ensuring EXIF metadata present, improved Demo license handling 3.1.114 Added save to PDF option, fixed incorrect tooltip display for scrolbar for multiple images. 3.1.115 Upgraded ImageSplit to add new auto-detect algorithm, subdivision of splits. Original flood-fill algorithm may not work if OS is recent Win 10 or Win 11 3.1.116 Fixed ImageSplit bug which prevented change of Edge Threshold value from default Added pad option to ImageSplit settings 3.1.117 Fixed bug causing floodfill detection to fail in some environments. 3.1.118 Fixed caption counting bug. 3.1.119 Added capability to caption PNG and TIFF files, new version of ImageSplit 3.1.120 Fixed ImageSplit functionality for non-English region settings, improved ImageSplit scanner resolution options 3.1.121 Added colourisation capability to ImageSplit, option to add split including whole image. 3.1.122 Fixed bug causing ImageSplity to request license when run from Caption Pro 3.1.124 Add handling of HEIC input files, ensure that non-JPEG files loaded are saved with jpg extension after captioning. 3.1.125 Fixed bugs preventing operation of location auto-captioning and causing sub-caption to overwrite caption. 3.1.127 Updated version of ImageSplit 3.1.128 Added to option to decode caption/sub-caption text as single byte if double-byte text detected 3.1.129 Fixed bug preventing editing of images on Win 11 3.1.130 Fixed bugs preventing copying of all IPTC and XMP metadata to captioned file and making writing of caption data IPTC and XMP fields optional, preventing Send To option from working with non-JPEG files, fixing incorrect placement of sub-caption in command line mode 3.1.132 Added forward and back step and start sequence set options to Slideshow mode 3.1.133 Fixed bug causing skipping of slides with short slideshow interval and large slide images 3.1.134 Added Hints screen optionally shown on load and via Help, fixed ImageSplit crash when creating new save folder. 3.1.136 Added option to create and edit preset list of caption /sub-caption texts and apply selections from it. 3.1.137 Added Camera Trap processing help manual, shortcuts for Slideshow options 3.1.138 Added Pause on Change facility to slideshow 3.2.139 Added option to embed captions in videos, prevent creation of _original files, allow display of video file metadata 3.2.140 Fixed bug preventing adding multiple tags to same image, added option to create tags from comma-separated caption, fixed bug causing freezing when browsing for input file, improved clarity of license messages 3.2.143 Added option to input tag data, auto-setting of options for camera trap analysis, add analysis options for camera trap data, added buttons to set Camera Trap processing options, updated manuals, removed video caption display panel. 3.2.144 Added option to use Megadetector data for highlighting with specification of confidence range histogram of confidence values, improved accuracy of right-click on time profile to show image, extended option settings for camera trap analysis and restoration of defaults. 3.2.145 Added questions to screen shown on 1st run, record IP address of every 100th Megadetector analysis, added option to load CamTrap Detector JSON files 3.2.146 Fixed bug causing PDF files created from images to sometimes be incorrectly oriented, added option to use smaller files for PDF content, fixed bug in Check For Updates preventing latest version from being downloaded, migrated processing of camera trap data to CamTrap Pro. 3.2.153 Added option for simplified interface 3.2.154 Fixed bug causing failure to copy metadata to captioned file when using All option for File Metadata 3.2.156 Fixed bug preventing application of metadata from Picasa in batch mode 3.2.160 Allowed batch application of captions and sub-captions from multiple metadata fields, including location.